5 Microsoft Technologies Boosting the Blue Economy

5 Microsoft Technologies Boosting the Blue Economy 1

The blue economy—work related to our oceans—is a crucial economy of today and tomorrow. From aquaculture for food to offshore wind farms and innovative solutions like algae-based plastics, the ocean offers enormous resource and potential. On the other hand, these vast waters are in danger, threatened by pollution and destabilizing climate change. It’s never been…

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Technologies for Tackling Ocean Plastic Pollution

Image os a fish swimming among ocean plastic pollution

Every year, 8 to 10 million metric tons of plastic wind up in the ocean. Research suggests that by 2050, plastic in the sea will actually outweigh all the fish. This massive problem is ever-growing as plastic production continues to increase, while these items never degrade. Even plastic that has slowly broken down becomes microplastics…

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