Smart Search Accelerator

Empower Your Business with our Smart Search Accelerator

Powered By Azure OpenAI

55% of all enterprise data is considered “dark” or “trapped”1

Given the current buzz surrounding AI and it’s transformative potential in business, how can you help your organization get ahead of the technology curve while unlocking hidden organizational knowledge?

We recognize that building AI solutions from scratch can be daunting, especially when faced with resource constraints. By partnering with Infused Innovations, you gain access to a highly skilled team that will swiftly and efficiently develop and deploy AI systems, eliminating the need for significant investments in hiring or upskilling existing staff.

Our Smart Search Accelerator is your comprehensive solution for quickly setting up a robust search function to gain better insights into you data. It’s designed by our Innovation Lab to be fast, user-friendly, and adaptable to your specific needs, making it an ideal choice for businesses keen on leveraging AI’s capabilities.

With our Smart Search Accelerator, you can:

Find the information you need more quickly, accelerating your decision-making

Increase productivity by minimizing the time spent searching for information

Discover hidden insights that add value to your data

Enhance user experience with easy-to-navigate search functions

Tap into the Power of Your Business Information

Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing: Offers a search function that understands
Machine Learning
Machine Learning: Constantly improves based on user interactions
Relevancy Tuning
Relevancy Tuning: Prioritizes search results according to your business’s specific rules
Security and Compliance
Security and Compliance: Protects your data and meets industry standards

Start Today

Join the growing number of businesses experiencing the transformative power of AI and Smart Search. Get started with our Smart Search Accelerator today!