Thoughts From Our Staff


Can Blockchain Revolutionize the Scientific Process?

In terms of promise and success, blockchain technologies have been all over the map this year. Use cases for the arts have flourished, and new platforms allowing things like NFT trading for theater fans have emerged. Cryptocurrency, blockchain’s original purpose, has been on some big rollercoasters—most recently culminating in the collapse of crypto exchange FTX, which is likely…


Ensuring Privacy with Microsoft Priva

With so much personal data stored online today, privacy is a big concern both for individuals and for businesses in terms of compliance. Regulations like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) apply beyond those borders and affect how organizations can store personal information, while giving consumers rights to manage how…


Scary Cyber Attacks in 2022 and the Driving Forces Behind Them

It’s no secret that cyber crime has grown tremendously over the past few years. Unfortunately, malicious actors have taken advantage of (and sometimes caused) social upheavals around Covid-19, elections, economic instability, and war. Throughout all of these challenges people have spent a lot of time online, and a lot of business has been done there too—it’s a…


Innovation Spotlight: The Broadway Exchange, an NFT Platform for Live Theater

Sometimes new technologies open up possibilities in surprising places. The expansion of digital and virtual options in the past couple years has broadened the ways we can experience events: it’s become normal to meet virtually with people across the country, we can make appearances at gatherings by unprecedented means, and there are a variety of ways…


What is a Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP)?

With the evolving digital space and the work we do in it, numerous security solutions have been utilized over the years to address the challenges of each part. Devices and servers need to be protected. Defenses against attacks like phishing and ranswomware should be put up. As digital transformations took place and moved data and…

Image shows Microsoft Ignite 2022 graphic with Defender shield

Defender Announcements from Microsoft Ignite 2022

At Microsoft’s IT conference this year, there are plenty of announcements about its security suite Microsoft Defender. This umbrella solution covers a variety of services and integrates with other Microsoft products, now better than ever. Here’s some big Defender news that was announced at Microsoft Ignite 2022. Defender for DevOps Customers using DevOps have given…

MIcrosoft ignite

Big Announcements from Microsoft Ignite 2022

Microsoft Ignite 2022 is in full swing. This annual conference is Microsoft’s time to communicate with IT professionals about new announcements and offerings. This year the event is back in-person at the Seattle Convention Center for those who are able to make it there. Anyone else can attend virtually, and for those who don’t have…

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Use Power Automate to Make Sharing to LinkedIn (and Other Places) a Breeze 

It’s such a chore to have to find interesting things to post to LinkedIn so I can stay relevant with all my connections! If I don’t post anything, how will my followers know I still exist? What if I told you that you didn’t have to doom scroll through your RSS reader to find interesting…


What’s New in the Windows 11 2022 Update?

Windows 11 has always been an operating system for hybrid work. When it came out in October 2021, it was already the most secure Microsoft OS yet, and it came to a market that was increasingly revolving around remote work and hybrid options. And for the first several months of its use, Microsoft wanted feedback…

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Software Macros: the Good and the Bad

Software macros allow you to automate repetitive tasks, saving time and simplifying workflows. But they have commonly been an easy way for attackers to spread viruses too. Earlier this year Microsoft began blocking Office macros in internet files by default (and then temporarily back-tracked, and then blocked once again) in order to protect against this…


Take a Break! Why Work Breaks are Crucial, Especially if You’re Working from Home

It’s easy to pile on the hours when you’ve got a lot of work to do. And for those working remotely from home, work/life boundaries can become blurred, causing work tasks to interfere with healthy downtime. Back-to-back meetings can have remote workers sitting in front of their screens in high-focus mode for hours, without a…


Blocking the Russian Hacker Group SEABORGIUM

As the war in Ukraine continues, now having reached six months since Russia’s invasion, cyber criminals in Russia are also persisting in their more longstanding digital efforts in key areas around the globe. For the past several years, Russian actors have aggressively interfered in the cyber space of Europe and the United States. One of…